Born inside a Kodak Brownie camera, Scott was suckled on developer in the dark room.
Churning out college courses to escape his dormitory doldrums our director undaunted determines the future of a new religion in America, A.Z.
This A.Z. religion has been frolicking in the sunlit beaches of Utah awaiting its escape from the multitude of marriage and the mangling of men.
Scott is here to save the world.
His first stab into the underbelly of American Darkness was the quick release of "Great Salt Lake." Performed solo, on flute, by the Zen Dog himself, this psychedelic yin of a world at yang, is the first video ever released of The Hippy Coyote, anywhere.
"GREAT SALT LAKE" live music video recorded Xmas 2008 in Jarrod's garage.
The following trio of triumphs were released towards the end of 2010. These three songs are the first three songs on the LEVEL 1 = PEACE OF MIND album by Merican Zen.
Help Scott to save the world by applauding his videos.
(Whenever you clap another Director is born!)